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Childhood Days

Born 19 Jan 1931   -   (Written in Oct 2008)


At age 7, in 1938, I became a choir-boy at Hamrun Parish church.. Here they had just started the first boys’ choir in Malta and they participated in all church functions.   
I joined them within a year, when war broke out.
A few of us were picked by Mro Camilleri who was engaged to hold a sung Mass and other functions, at several different churches all over the island.
Our part was during the “Credo” and an evening “Confitebor”.

I often remained for some minutes after the Credo to hear the Offertorio which follows immediately, sung by the fascinating controlled crescendo of the tenor, then I joined my pals.
One episode still sticks in my mind. That’s when I innocently ‘made water’ in the ‘V’ of the window-sill high above and surprised my pals who were waiting for me on the pavement right underneath!.


In 1942, aged eleven, I was baptised in the operatic field.
The Maestro organised the first all-Maltese cast to stage La Boheme and selected me to sing the boy’s 7-note solo part, shown here-under.

My prompt was being pulled to the front of the stage by a woman and slapped on my face, where I sang my piece and gradually went off-stage to wipe all that ugly make-up off my face!

At about this time, I also had occasion to sing the soprano part in the “Confitebor” together with a tenor and a bass, accompanied by the Maestro on the church organ. This was a low-key function but the Mro must have gained some extra money as I was only given one shilling. (As I never had more than a penny in my pocket, I became a little rich man actually!)

Xalata and Fenkata (Day’s outing and Rabbit meal)

For a church service at the farthest villages, we were collected by a private bus carrying the other musicians and singers. When we sang the Credo part we went off to roam the countryside around, often being shouted off by some farmer or having a stone-throwing battle with some local kids, which we all enjoyed of course!

At about mid-day we returned to have a smashing meal of Rabbit Stew and all the trimmings, with the other members. Then came the Confitebor and the return home, shouting and banging on the bus-side most of the way. In addition, we received three pence and a cheese-cake each!

Brass & Wind Band Concerts

Since Mro Giuseppe Camilleri was musical director of La Valette Band Club, which was considered to be the best on the island, he was often engaged to organise a Vocal/Band Concert on the eve of the local Patron Saint’s feast.
Our boys group, together with male members, sang the first public “Inno del Sole” (Iris) and the “Va pensiero” (Nabucco) besides other pieces that I don’t remember.  Whenever the occasion arose, us boys also merrily sang the Va pensiero while walking through the streets, especially in our sister-island of Gozo.
We usually ended up becoming somewhat hoarse at the end but one recovers quickly at that age.

This concludes my childhood reminiscences in the singing field.

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