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Pre-Marriage Time

Two years in Bolton, UK
Singing had a lot to do with my getting married. It came about that as a Govt Radio technician in 1963 I had the opportunity to be accepted for Technical Teacher Training at Bolton.  Destiny had me meet an Italian working-class girl who played the accordeon and she was often invited to play at Birthday Parties etc in which I joined her with singing various songs and a couple of arias.
We were engaged within a year and married on my return to Malta.

I also met this group of Italians, Spanish and Polish friends, not all in the picture, and we often made merry on wine etc singing and playing for a whole evening on special occasions. A couple of Neapolitans regaled us with some beautiful popular melodies and others sang of their own folklore - in which I joined even more heartily besides adding arias like “La donna e mobile” and some songs in various languages.

Christmas Concert
A special occasion at College was at a Christmas Concert organised by the students, where I was given a 10 mt slot to sing “Santa Lucia”, “Torna a Sorrento” and “E lucevan le stelle” accompanied by my fiancee (Natalie) on the accordeon


I must not forget to mention that during the stay of our teachers’ course, a group of students started going to a central pub in Bolton, regularly every Thursday evening and there were often more than twenty of us, male and female students plus the locals. I never managed more than 5 or 6 half-pints, but much more than that in singing songs and arias in between. Sometimes we also had a pianist for accompaniment. Others also took part with Folklore by the foreign students, Welsh, Irish and whatever.  I always thoroughly enjoyed all that and I managed to arrive safely back to my lodging on foot, tottering very little!

Having improved my technical qualifications and with a teacher’s certificate in my pocket I returned home to await the arrival of my future wife who left Bolton for Italy to prepare for marriage within a month.                 Ends

[NWCOPERA] [BELLINI VINCENZO] [DONIZETTI GAETANO] [MY BLOGS] [PUCCINI GIACOMO] [ROSSINI GIOACCHINO] [VERDI GIUSEPPE] [List:   Aaa to Ber] [List:   Bes to Car] [List:   Cas to Elg] [List:   Fau to Gou] [List:   Gri to Mas] [List:   Meh to Per] [List:   Pes to Sca] [List:   Sch to Tho] [List:   Tos to Zzz] [Anonymous] [LINKS]